RutonyChat contains the partially open data that can be obtained. This page is dedicated to the peculiarities of the program.

Local server

When running the program locally rises WebSocket server on port 8383, which is running in a two-way mode. This server refers to services, each of which is responsible for its own data module. For example, to chat rises service /Chat, for notification of new subscribers /NewSub and /AnySub, first only for new, second and resubs including. Most often exchange implemented in simplex mode, while some services and operate in both directions.

Messages Service

All captured messages, as well as service messages.
Address: ws:// Format:

Service - followers

Address: ws://

Service - New sub

Address: ws://
Format: Resub
Address: ws://
Format: New subs and resubs
Address: ws://

Service - donate

Address: ws://

Service - raffle

Active while Raffle.
Address: ws://
Format: Types operations

Service - Host

Address: ws://

Сервис CustomAlert

Hand notification, similar to the subscribers, but for the manual actuation of the trigger usually by Remote Control
Address: ws://

Service - List alerts

* Two-way exchange. First page receives a POST parameter theme, and then sends the name of the connection threads the program. That response sends setup clearance. Just when you receive new data, sends new subscribers, donate and others.
Address: ws://
* Currently there are no details. The format is not yet completely finished appearance, and undergoing testing.

Сервис Сбора данных

* Two-way exchange. First page receives a POST parameter theme, and then sends the name of the connection threads the program. That response sends setup clearance. Just when you receive new data, sends new subscribers, donate and others.
Address: ws://
* Currently there are no details. The format is not yet completely finished appearance, and undergoing testing.


* Themes support the ability to specify for these parameters that the user can install the program. To do this it would be necessary in the template themes were announced:
var themeIndex = "Уникальный_индекс_темы_оформления"; // Уникальный_индекс_темы_оформления used for a bunch of current themes and settings for it. Just this identifier is used to save the settings, so you should not use it in a non-system characters that do not allow the user to save the settings. It is used when booting the subject in Steam Workshop.
function InitParams(data) { } This function is called when the transmission parameters. In fact, this processor settings that the user sends design theme. Here it is necessary to organize the logic of the migration theme.
The file in the directory of theme: params.json It contains the definition of the types and values of the parameters for the theme. Examples and description of types, can be found in the subject of registration default-customs